2008-05-14 19:41:03 来源: 作者: 【 】 浏览:4833

Speak more effectively in public 个人品牌英语演讲艺术

Presentation(Giving a Speech in Public) Designs and Skills
From two aspects:  
 1)How to make rapid progress in
          learning to speak in public怎样快速进步
 2)Appeal to your audience引起观众的注意和欣赏
Life time topic-- If possible, spend years in preparation终身必须学习的课题
Topic-- Talk about something:
a. You have experienced or studied亲历
b. You are excited about(sometimes you will just keep silent about sth), and 因某事激动
c. You want to share with your audience and you are eager to tell your listeners
Look inside yourself for topics to talk about and talk from your heart—
   not from your book. 从内心挖掘素材,不能从书本上找

Sing(=Speak) something simple
Not to attempt to speak on some world-shaking problems such as “The Atomic Bomb”,  
“China’s Political Reform”
but just take something simple-almost anything will do, provided that the idea interests you and the audience谈生活中平凡的、大家熟悉的事物
Eight points highlighted in giving a speech in public强调八点
1. Make some brief points of the interesting things you want to mention简写要点
2. Do not write out your speech(magic formula, which you can use it everywhere. 5“Ws”)
3. Never, never, never memorize your speech word for word, sentence for sentence勿背诵
4. Fill your talk with illustrations and examples擅用实物
  Know far more about your subject than you can 内容烂熟于心
 Communicate clearly and concisely清晰、简洁;
 Organize thoughts with a sure process固定流程;
 Use evidence to support your ideas实物支持
6. Rehearse your speech by conversing with your friends彩排预演
7. Instead of worrying about your delivery, find ways of improving it不用担心、只管不断改进
8. Do not imitate others, be yourself作最好的自己不模仿别人
Ten ways to make our listeners show their good feeling for us and for our speeches
1) Consider yourself honored by being asked to address an audience- say so!
2) Give your listeners sincere appreciation
3) Whenever possible, mention the names of some of your listeners
4) Play yourself down—not up
5) Say ”we” ---try not to say “you”
6) Pay attention to your voice modulation
7) Talk in terms of your listeners’ interest
8) Have a good time making your talks(humorous, incidental and dramatizing)
9) Appeal to the noble emotions of your audience
10)Welcome criticism—instead of resenting it.

A Drill (Exercise)
Do you want to live in big cities or small
Please give us a presentation on that topic.

Introduction & express your opinion
One reason
1.   The point

Explain the logic relation between the example and the point
Another reason

2.   The point
Explain the logic relation between the example and the point
The third reason

3.   The point
Explain the logic relation between the example and the point

Presentations in Our Reality
Called upon for a presentation to an  audience, regardless of its make-up /size.
Professional presentation skill– crucial & a new survival skill
     (apply for a job)
Four  general purposes ofpresentations
       a) To inform
       b) To sell
       c) To convince/ persuade
       d) To train
The Second Drill (Exercise)
Do you want to eat out or do you want to cook your meal at home?
Please give us a presentation on that topic.
Introduction & express your opinion
One reason
1   The point
Explain the logic relation between the example and the point

Another reason
2   The point
Explain the logic relation between the example and the point

The third reason
3   The point
Explain the logic relation between the example and the point
Aim of the Concentrated Presentation Training
 Plan and Organize Professional Presentations
 Create and Maintain a Corporate-favourable  Image and Impression
 Be More Natural and Relaxed when Making  Presentations
 Communicate Ideas with Clarity & Force
 Sell Ideas and Inspire People(make friends  with the people you meet and
        influence the people you meet)

How to get presentation skills
Those necessary and most effective presentation skills and techniques are normally  coupled with a great deal of practice. No one is an exception.

If we want to get presentation skills, we can never
           omit substantially practicing a presentation.
           Therefore practice is one of the most important
           factors in giving an effective and successful
The more presentations we give the more we are
          able to learn from what we did right, and what the
          audience liked, and what perhaps we could change
           to make our presentation more successful. Only in
           this way can we get presentation skills.
Good presentations warrant the 3 points:
1. Understanding our audience (students or participants) is one of the most important presentation skills we must learn, as presentations are always for the audience.

2. The presentation must be relevant to the audience, and must be engaging the interest of the audience; otherwise our presentation is worthless.

3. All presentation preparation must take into account the needs and wants of our audience if our presentation is to have any success at all.

Good presenters characterize the following hallmarks:
  They and their language are creative
  They develop their own styles
  They use their energy
Learning from the presentations that others give is highly recommended
The more presentations we watch and participate in then the better equipped we are to improve on our presentation skills.

We can learn from what works in other people’s presentations and incorporate them within our own style of presenting.

From watching others present we are able to identify mistakes they make, and mistakes we need to be aware of when giving our own presentations.
What are the additional actions positively helping our presentation?
1.Build our confidence and poise
2.Develop the powerful opening that  our presentation needs
3.Capture and hold the favorable attention of our audience
4.Make what we say more believable through the use of evidence
5.Increase the impact of our presentation by using various kinds of exhibits
6. Become more professional in our use of flip charts, overhead projections, PPT,etc.
7 Make our presentation more interesting and lively through audience participation
The high level of arts of speaking in public

1). Creating a Positive First Impression
   Establish a positive first impression
   Identify personal objectives for presentations
   Develop rapport with the audience
   Project professionalism, authority and competency
2). Representing Yourself
   Always present and highlight a good image of yourself
   Communicate with enhanced credibility and reinforce an informative message in a convincing manner with supportive evidence (Remember: conclusion should never comes before facts)
3). Presenting Complex Information
1 Develop flexibility in making complex material simple and understandable
2 Improve our delivery of written essay or complex academic material
3 Present them in an interesting, captivating, enthusiastic and even dramatizing way
4 Relate to the audience at their level(seldom use jargons or technical terms)
5 Follow a logical progression of ideas
4).Communicating with greater impact
Develop emotional contact(including eye contact)
Develop increased flexibility through the use of expressions, gestures and voice modulation, and overcome barriers that restrict our flexibility
   (such as: take away those chairs in the way)

5).Motivating and Inspiring People to Action
 Present in a convincing (task oriented) way
 Persuade an audience to take action
 Offer reliable, verifiable evidence
 Be motivational, clear and concise(including tasks, aims and programs planned)
6).Responding to Pressure Situations
  Maintain professional composure under pressure(Q&A with audience,students or  media interviews)
  Communicate clear, concise, positive messages
  Sell long-term and strategic ideas(self and organization)
  Present competence, confidence and leadership ability to handle stressful situations

英语私塾 授课老师
   是资深的英语教学和培训专家。1983年高考省级英语单科状元;1992年全国选拨入广东英语电台,任英语播音员;有25年的英语翻译和英语教学的经验;海外学习和工作10年;足迹深入全球5大洲;曾任中国驻非洲坦桑尼亚使馆经参处英语翻译、美国卡内基培训机构讲师、美国上市企业绿箭口香糖公司CA部公共事务经理、美国AC尼尔森市场调研公司客服/销售部副总监。曾经采访足球球王贝利;担任北京08年奥运会英语培训师(获萨马兰奇表彰);在英国伦敦参与“华人学习英语难以逾越的多重障碍解析”探讨;在美国实地考察“英语媒体语言"项目。在《体坛周报》、《高等教育》、《大学时代》、《大学生》 、《广东电视台》 、《新浪网》等媒体上发表译文或专著数十篇;是世界500强敦豪(DHL)《中国十年发展历程》(英文版)首席撰稿人。凭借充满人文关怀的精神和对英语培训事业的孜孜以求,造就了无数个提高大学生英语能力和规划大学生未来的成功案例;自2008年在广州大学城创办英语私塾以来,始终在一线面授英语课程。

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