2008-05-14 17:40:24 来源: 作者: 【 】 浏览:6991



1.      in one ear and out the other

2.      show down

3.      rub hands and roll up sleeves

4.      apple to apple comparison /apple to orange

5.      hammer and nail

6.      doormat

7.      judge the book by the cover

8.      sign the dotted虚线line

9.      blind leading another blind

10. stage weight

11. diamond(=talent) in the rough

12. nest egg

13. shoe string/ put your shoes in/ walk in your shoes / put yourself in sb’s shoes

14. sharpest pencil in the (pencil) box

15. sit on the fence

16. cough each other/ sing in different tunes

17. breathing down my neck




To learn English, we should never use English as a cold tool, but should

2       admire her

2       fall in love with her

2       and seek her tenderly, lovingly and boldly as our


heart communicator

and soul mate.

Today, here, my aim of sharing this moment with everyone here is to help everybody

u      make friend with English Idioms,

u        love English Idioms

u            and make English Idioms as part of your body.

开场白控制在2.5分钟  提及本讲座中心话题,观察学员变化

一.   运用创造英语语言情境来学习英语习语的方法、手段及目的


Ø        英文习语或妙语(精彩、经典、能启迪思维和励志的)

Ø          俗语(与每日中国人的生活息息相关的)

Ø             典故(背景材料与中国情形相呼应的)



Ø        An idiom is a special kind of expression and phrase.

Ø        It is a group of words that have been put together to make your article or speech more effective, more vivid, more interesting, more friendly, more humorous and more appealing to your readers or your audience.

Ø        It can also be satirical, disapproving, refusing or even criticizing.

Ø        Learning idioms has been playing an important role in the English language study as a whole.

二.      分两部分展开:

第一部分:与中文意思相的英语习语 控制在13分钟

1.  in one ear and out the other

Ø        Since his mind was already made up, my advice for him to stay would go in one ear and out the other.既然他主意已定,我再怎么劝,也只能是左耳进右耳出

Ø        I tried hard to advise Alice not to date约日子/约会/男女恋爱that handsome classmate, as he would be a trouble maker in their life in the future, but all my advice went in her one ear and out the other不进油盐

Ø        I advised him to join our New Channel IELTS courses, but he had got a mindset that New Oriental was better than any others. My advice went in his one ear and out the other一意孤行until he failed in the last IELTS Exams. He is now ashamed of himself.

2. 扑克牌实物展示show down

pay lip service经常许诺但是空头支票不兑现/光说不练

Ø        Jimmy promised to teach me how to swim in this summer, but now we are entering autumn. He is always paying lip service and I am going to show down to him摊牌(对比show up)whether he is still my friend or not.

sweet talk(=lip)one’s boy /girl friend尽挑甜言蜜语哄男朋友或女朋友

Ø        Jack has been always sweet-lipping Rose--his girl friend that he will buy her a brand new mobile phone, which turned out to be paying lip service. This time Rose will show down to him.

3. rub hands and roll up sleeves请两个同学上台表演摔交前跃跃欲试真实动作.

Ø        For the coming class monitor election, the major two competitors--Peter and Bob are rubbing their hands and rolling up their sleeves, preparing to have a dog fight(生死大博杀).

Ø        In order to go abroad for further study, many participants here are rubbing their hands and rolling up their sleeves, preparing to attend New Channel’s English courses.

4. apple to apple comparison专业的学生进行比较/apple to orange comparison不同专业的学生进行比较

Ø        Steve’s English is better than Tom; Steve is from the English Dept while Tom majors in Physics. This is like comparing apples to oranges

Ø        Now the Chinese university students are living better than those in North Korea and some African countries, which is like comparing apples to apples.

Ø        Some students have mp3,expensive mobile phones, multi-geared bikes变速单车and they are leading a much wealthier life than those from poor families. But they still think they are not wealthier than those rich classmates. They need both apple to apple comparison and apple to orange comparison一味横向攀比/漠视纵向与其他生活水平较差的人群比较


Ø        hammer and nail history/ 两人历来有不共戴天的宿怨If you always carry hammer with you, then all people you meet are most likely to be nails.对人的偏见或成见不易消除

Ø        My teacher is always carrying a hammer with him, and we are all nails to him.

Ø        Tommy is very tall and strong, considering himself把自己看得太高太重as a hammer. In his eyes, everybody is a nail to him小菜一碟.


Ø        That girl complained to her mother of being treating like a doormat被人吆三喝四/不能怨言and mom warned her not to backtalk回嘴and leave her problems at door家丑不可外扬/不要对外乱说话丢人现眼

Ø        In our class, there are always some doormats无名英雄, who often support our daily study and should never be forgotten.

7. judge the book by the cover以貌取人取实物作表演真实的动作


Ø        That shortest and ordinary looking boy surprisingly got the highest scores in the exam. Now we understand the saying “Never judge the book by the cover

Ø        New Channel operated her business only a year ago, but many participants attended her courses and passed the IELTES exams. That proves the saying that Never Judge The Book By The Cover

8. dot 每个人都知道WWW. COM 介绍、解释dotted

Ø        用虚线点出个“人”字

Ø        In dealing with the complicated relationships between teachers and students, we have to sign the dotted虚线line to be flexible.留有余地,画实线就改不了/不把话说满/做人做事多画虚线多留后路

9. blind准备两条毛巾做道具,请两个同学上台做一个真实动作扮演两个瞎子

Ø        You said you could solve that math question解题. Save it省省吧. This is a blind leading another blind.你也不比我聪明多少,你别逞能

Ø        第二个意思可作“以讹传讹”解释

10. stage weight(=fright)走上台或面对其他的人去讲话或表演有压力一个真实的动作背大包上台

Ø        If you want to show your talent in speaking in public, you must first lose your stage weight

Ø        In the oral test of IELTS, you must first lose your stage weight, then you can be bold enough to face the examiners.



11. diamond(=talent) in the rough=among the rough/covered by the rough

Ø        一个真实的动作/把戒子用泥土盖起来/黄沙吹尽始见金,比喻经过锻炼磨难才千锤百炼成的可造之才

Ø        In our class, there are some diamonds in the rough. One student was always quiet and he was the first one to be recruited by an international company, proving that he is of those diamonds in the rough.

12. nest egg鸡蛋作道具多年的积蓄老本/ 要孵出小鸡的做种的鸡蛋

Ø        Many students’ parents borrowed money from family relatives and spent their nest eggs to afford their children to study in universities in Beijing.

13. shoe准备鞋作道具

Ø        A: It’s just a shoe string非常少money and I will pay for it.

Ø        B: Don’t put your shoes in捞过界/越俎代庖playing as a millionaire扮大款, they can pay it themselves.

walk in sb’s shoes

Ø        I will walk in your shoes我看你样

Ø        Teachers should put themselves in their students’ shoes将心比心/换位思考

14. sharpest pencil in the (pencil) box

Ø        The last 4 quiz testers脑筋急转弯were competing one another among themselves to try to be the sharpest pencil in the (pencil) box.用计谋权术或合纵联横等各种手段把对手挤出决赛圈争冠

15. fence作表演真实的动作骑墙/篱笆观望政策 sit on the fence

Ø        Our deputy monitor is always sitting on the fence on some important issues in the class副班长骑墙政策/从不表态当好好先生

Ø        He did not show his attitude but sit on the fence when he saw the stranger. After recognizing that man was his old classmate, he had a bear hug with him, promising to wine and dine out.外出下馆子喝酒吃饭./请一个同学上台配合真实的表演动作多年未见的老朋友激情拥抱.-

16. cough each other来源于(英法)在国际舞台上暗中较劲/斗法作表演动作

Ø        In our class, our monitor and deputy monitor are always coughing each when there are some important issues in discussion暗中较劲/损对方抬高自己/争权夺利

sing in different tunes不和谐/暗中捣鬼/同床异梦作表演真实的动作和另外一个同学上台唱歌

Ø        Thinking there were some students singing in different tunes, the teacher planned to get rid of those bad blood害群之马and trained new horses另起炉灶/培养自己的亲信或心腹.

17. breathing down my neck / loose/ slack作表演真实的动作

Ø        Jimmy’s father often cuts him some loose/slack.看得不是特别严/允许犯点小错/屠夫切肉时比较松,给人多切一点肉

Ø        But my father is always breathing down my neck.盯得紧使人喘不过气来


player /I am a good chess player, who is always three moves ahead of you走一步看三步

       no-player player孤独求败

    play mind games博弈

book smart会读书  区别  street smart实际操作能力强

name and shame policy /We will exercise name and shame policy to critisize those students who violated the school regulations张榜公报促改

对应ladder /Without apologies, we won't let him climb down the ladder无法下台阶


A: You are not having the best of the day闷闷不乐,

    and let me say something to cheer you up.说些

    开心的话/ 逗乐

B: That cuts ice.瞎子点灯白费蜡


cut corners偷工减料/走捷径取巧

1The teacher asked the students to give 2—3

     examples to understand and memorize a word,

     a phrase or an idiom, but our classmates are

     always cutting corners, simply looking a word

     up in the dictionary. That's all.

2While riding bicycles in the street, many

     students just cut corners taking no notice of

     traffic laws, which is very dangerous.

cookie/The naughty boy is greedy just like “Giving a mouse a cookie曲奇饼干, he will ask for a glass of milk; Give him a slice of the cake, he will want the whole cake”.得寸进尺 /给你阳光,你就灿烂(说你胖,你还喘上了。给点洪水就泛滥。)

colours/About the divorce issue between Charles and Diana, Charles' mother(Queen) wrote many letters to Diana in black and white白纸黑字/态度明了, but Diana replied in colours闪烁其辞/ 粉饰

I dropped an email to my old classmate to seek help in reviewing English grammar, but he replied my black and white letter in colours我是字字真切/言之凿凿,他却闪烁其辞


You have your head on your shoulders人大了该有正常的判断力了

Our monitor has got an older head on younger shoulders少年老成心理年龄比骨龄大许多

outsmart(=outgo/ outgrow/ outpace / outweigh / outgun特指设备优于某人)    outgo/ outgrow/ outpace / outweigh / outgun / outmaneuver


on the back foot前脚踢后脚跟/磕磕碰碰/不顺

My English study has been on the back foot for many years.

have a full plate

The US was on over-driving to solve the Iran nuclear issue and the post-war rebuilding in Iraq, but the sudden announcement of owning nuclear weapons from North Korea was out of the blue and made Bush have a full plate.


toe the line守规矩/听发号令

I am always toeing the line我一贯循规蹈矩,是个规矩/乖孩子


That shy girl made a grammatical mistake. The teacher directly criticized her.That was to add insult to injury(=rub salt in a wound往伤口撒盐= twisting the knife雪上加霜) to hurt her.


up one’s sleeves /If our university principal meets some problems, his advisers will help him out, as they have many ideas up their sleeves锦囊妙计. But this time he will take matters into his own hands亲自出马

ear /I am all ears洗耳恭听

throw mud on sb表演仍泥巴意思寓意脏水

Ø         In a basketball game,because of a push/ a foul推撞/犯规, the two boys began to call each other names. Then, their class monitor班长voiced in = meddle调停/干预/管闲事, saying ”Stop throwing mud(=sling mud)扔泥巴/用恶毒的语言互相攻击on each other. Let’s ga keep playing.”

ball me顺着打球的思路展开跟球赛有关的习语

Ø         After the cold war, Dr. Kissinger 基辛格(原美国国务卿)insisted that the US needed a whole new ball game thinking需要新思维to deal with China.

ball in your field

Ø         After the US spy plane landing, China’s ambassador to the US Mr. Yang Jiechi杨洁篪announced China’s statement promising that the plane personnel could go home if the US government expressed “sorry” for air spying over China. Mr. Yang said: “ Now the ball is in your field(=court).”应该一来一往发表各自看法/来而不往非理也

in the ball of fire在一团烈火中燃烧

Ø         After the plane crash, it was burnt to ashes in the ball of fire

Ø         Do not throw mud on me别把脏水往我身上泼. I am innocent as I did not say anything bad about you.

Ø         Would you please do me a favor today as I am busy. Yesterday, I fetched a lunch box for you. Now the ball is in your court.

Ø         You are playing games with me.避实就虚/不入正题

send the fur(feather)flying羽毛满天飞/散布流言/满城风雨run around lighting bush fires到处煽阴风点鬼火

Ø         James failed in the math exam, but Tom told every classmate and sent the fur flying. The teacher criticized him for running around lighting bush fires顺便解释light的动词用法(=make a fire, start a fire, ignite)

word on everyone's lips流传/挂在嘴边=word on the street流传/路人皆知的事

Ø         This time, the English exam will be an open-booked one. We are happy with the word on everyone's lips. Don’t you know that, it’s the word on the street.

water /Despite of the fact that those education ministry officials are walking on water无进展却装模作样继续干, the country’s higher education system is still dead in the water看不到光明/死水一潭, causing political waves.轩然大波(对比绝配)

tight rope(=steel rope) walking玩高难动作踩钢丝作真实的示范表演

Ø         指不复习去参加考试They are so bold as to attend the exam without enough preparation. That is like walking on a tight rope(=steel rope).

money rich, time poor/ Many people in big cities are complaining about ”Money rich, Time poor”, hitting the right note of that song: “I want to go to Guilin” 比较那首歌《我要去桂林》

assumption(=Taking everything for granted)

Ø         That young man assumed that his pen was stolen by somebody归咎他的笔不见了是被人偷了, but later on he found it in his desk. That’s why assumption is the mother of all misunderstandings.主观推断为误会之根源

player /I am a good chess player, who is always three moves ahead of you走一步看三步

Ø         no-player player孤独求败

Ø         play mind games博弈

thick/If you are sick of the quiet of the countryside,just think of going back to the thick of the big city浓厚/色彩斑斓/灯红酒绿/耐不住乡村的寂寞,回归大都市

name and shame policy/ We will exercise name and shame policy to critisize those students who violated the school regulations张榜公报促该

roof /I don’t have a roof over my head.我上无片瓦下无插身之地


Ø         Demonstrators said “We want to get out of the dark希望增加透明度/不要蒙蔽, as there is over-reporting 过分渲染on the British army’s heroes in Iraq, but the common Iraqi people’s sufferings ,wounds and death are under-reported报道远远不够/大打折扣

Ø         There is over-reporting on those successful exam smarters in each year’s college entrance exam, but the inner world of those who failed is under-reported

cold /cold calling冷不丁打电话到不认识的公司推销/ Cold calling is routine work for the product selling company and the shy ones will have to leave there.

Ø         cold shoulder / He gave the student the cold shoulder冷遇/闭门羹

brick/I tried to talk that heavy wine drinker around but it’s like talking to a brick(=wall)对牛弹琴/他是鱼木脑袋

doubly blessed好事成双/双喜临门

Let’s draw strength from each other相互勉励

exact change only公共汽车上不设找赎

Truth hurts良药苦口利于病,良药苦口利于行


bring sb to knees /The two atomic bombs brought Japan to its knees

Ø         When the classmates are discussing something, one cannot bring another to their knees easily一个比一个牛,谁也不服谁.


Ø         Shenzhen was once a sleepy宁静的backward fishing village

Ø         Our campus is very sleepy静谧/恬静(better than quiet)注意!!!安静的背后蕴藏着危险】

sleep walk危险/梦游

Ø         For years, Bush has been keeping the US uneasy in sleep walking on in the Iraq war对于战争这么大的事情,走一步算一步/完全心中无底

Ø         Jack has been sleep walking on in English Ability Test without consulting New Channel exam masters or attending any coaching courses there.可以转译为蒙着独自一人闭门造车

pick words out of the whole context断章取义/举着报纸指着那些栏目=quote phrases out of context

Ø         Lewis stood up and said to the teacher” Professor Thomas disagrees with this theory” and then he went beyond越俎代庖/喧宾夺主/捞过界/多管闲事to jump onto the stage to write a few words on the board, picking Professor Thomas’s words out of his context

Ø         column学校的校报中每个编辑或通讯员负责不同的栏目版面如生活栏目、学习园地等You can’t go away from your column逃避本职/本份工作and you can’t go beyond your column越俎代庖/喧宾夺主/捞过界/多管闲事

shot 作一个举枪瞄准朝远处打球的动作

Ø         Many students once attended some other English training schools’ courses for English exams, but they still think it is a long shot to pass those exams.还真没把握考过So here I strongly suggest they come to New Channel.

twist/That college girl said that James broke up with her, and his wife went all the way out处心积虑to add insult to injury(=rub salt in a wound往伤口撒盐= twisting the knife雪上加霜) to hurt her.

colours/About the divorce issue between Charles and Diana, Charles’ mother(Queen) wrote many letters to Diana in black and white白纸黑字/态度明了, but Diana replied in colours闪烁其辞/ 粉饰

Ø         I dropped an email to my old classmate to seek help in reviewing English grammar, but he replied my black and white letter in colours我是字字真切/言之凿凿,他却闪烁其辞

head/You have your head on your shoulders人大了该有正常的判断力了

Ø         Our monitor has got an old head on young shoulders少年老成心理年龄比骨龄大许多

out / pace(=speed) setter

Ø         China does not want Hongkong to be the country’s pace setter in the democratic process, stressing that HK should never outsmart(=outgo/ outgrow/ outpace / outweigh / outgun特指设备优于某人)her mother country in this sector.

Ø         outgo/ outgrow/ outpace / outweigh / outgun / outmaneuver somebody in some subjects

Ø         south bound, north bound, out source, cash in-flow and cash out-flow掌握这一类结构的词

election/Both Jim and Adam are hoping to be elected as class monitor竞选班长and the election is too close to call them Mum and Dad都喜欢都拥护/ 难分伯仲/来这话源于生活:喜欢爸爸妈妈无区别不能割舍

book smart会读书区别street smart实际操作能力强

behind解释一下/ hind sight 再解释这个词

Ø         There was a discussion and recall (=review)after the exam, one book smarter voiced in, saying there was another better solution for that math question, which was easy to see in hind sight.马后炮/事后诸葛亮

ice/The mid-aged father was neatly shaved and nicely looking while his son was dressed up ice穿戴有形有款==cool

flies /Commuters move and gather like flies around Zhong Guan Cun中关村during the rush hour人流如织/磨肩接踵

swim/My head begins to swim满脑子浆糊了

pull操控(来自皮影木偶)/We should condemn that prince charming who always pulls two girlfriends at one time谴责那个不道德的白马王子脚踏两条船

eyes/Eyes are windows into the soul.眼睛是心灵的窗户【注意:在此不能用heart

axe/As the two roommates are living together longer and longer, they are more willing to bury the axe and forget about the misunderstandings in the past相处时间越久越能宽宏大量原谅

bare footed doctor赤脚医生bare faced lie公然/毫不顾及的/不需戴假面具的/弥天大谎 对比 white lie善意的谎言

blonde原义为金发碧眼女人,在此可用来形容漂亮的女大学生I am blonde, but I am not stupid 外慧内秀

fast finger first先来先到/手快有手慢无

block buster (破坏力极大的)巨型炸弹,一般指好莱坞大片,不推则已,一推则全球轰动 一鸣惊人者

cast wide net贪多/同时干几件事

对比cast one’s wise net做个精明的人注意用肘轻推和眨眼表演真实的动作

Ø         Bob, accompanied by his friend, was going to put that house under his name归他名下/即买下, but he was lack of all his ducks in a row古时候集市上把所有的鸭子排成横排挑肥捡瘦/细心确认相关资料, he was pushed gently and winked for a signal用肘轻推和眨眼示意by his friend to cast his wise net

Ø         Many students use money wisely精打细算/很会理财

Ø         Many students are cooperating each other in doing business, but they are not wise net casters许多同学跟人合伙做生意乱投资,但不赚钱

Ø         Many students cast wide net in university application abroad at one time许多同学想出国留学,同时报考了许多大学


cut corners偷工减料/走捷径取巧

Ø         The teacher asked the students to give 2--3 examples to understand and memorize a word, a phrase or an idiom, but our classmates are always cutting corners, simply looking a word up in the dictionary. That’s all.

Ø         While riding bicycles in the street, many students just cut corners taking no notice of traffic laws, which is very dangerous.

对比meet sb half the way 约好去火车站接某人,因她行李多,但却不愿买站台票进去上站台接她

Ø         He will not help her out but just meet her half the way不想帮到底

cut it out别夸了,少来这一套 对比 pile up praises过分夸奖/拍马屁

Ø         Those always dining and drinking out are cut from the same cloth那些狗肉朋友,他们是一丘之貉

Ø         cut off / a cut off marks最低录取分数


Ø         The students earned their limited moonlight趁夜色少量炒更赚外快

Ø         We have to moonlight炒更赚外快to make both ends meet维持生计

wine/The world looks better through the bottom of wine.借酒浇愁


Ø         The goose is cooked=There is no use crying over the spilt milk生米煮成熟饭

Ø         Though the goose is cooked and your math exam was not well scored, you still have a chance to get higher marks in English

ladder /Without apologies, we won’t let him climb down the ladder无法下台阶

nut /A very big oak tree starts from a little nut千里之行始于足下/集腋成裘

lose the spot/In July, almost every day early in the morning, many students came to New Channel to register for the summer courses, fearing to lose the spot (=left out)错过了机会/过了这村就没着个店

ice /A: You are not having the best of the day闷闷不乐, and let me say sth to make you happy.说些开心的话/逗乐

Ø         B: That cuts ice.瞎子点灯白费蜡

cookie/My roommate is greedy just like “Giving a mouse a cookie曲奇饼干, it will ask for a glass of milk. ”Give it a slice, it will want a cake.得寸进尺

dog / Old habits die hard like a dog with a bone.狗该不了吃屎

on the back foot前脚踢后脚跟/磕磕碰碰/不顺

Ø         My English study has been on the back foot for many years.

toe the line守规矩/听发号令

Ø         I am always toeing the line我一贯循规蹈矩,是个规矩人家

a dollar introduces harmony和为贵/和气生财

big enough  

Ø         The two girls were best friends, but they were having a cold war. The teacher encouraged one of them to be big enough 大方点to talk to the other and try to recover the friendship

six / It is six of one and half a dozen of the other半斤八两

Ø         Talking about College English Band 4 exam, you failed in English writing and I failed in English-Chinese translation. So we can say “It is six of one and half a dozen of the other

fine line 源自地雷的连接线非常纤细

Ø         It’s a fine line in between the two things or solve a problem处理起来微妙/棘手,稍有不慎适得其反In the US, many kids like to train in gymnastics and their parents have to draw a fine line between letting them go on exercise and letting them have a break after the kids get some minor injuries. The problem is when you stop, you put on more weight quickly

Ø         fine line / minefield脆弱、敏感不易处理的话题或地带,易导致总统或首相下台,如每年是否参拜靖国神社这样的大事、中美大国间的博弈等

Ø         It is a fine line or a minefield to deal with the problems such as hiring a room outside of the university, getting married while schooling


Ø         Fish rotten from the head上梁不正下梁歪.As a class monitor, you should talk our study business first, while letting coffee wait.分清主业副业,做正事的主次先后/经常不谈学习,海量的社会杂事超多

glue/The young generation in Europe are glued to TV一刻也离不开电视, and that’s why there are a lot of telly belly there.

roses are thorny一种矛盾心态,如又想顺利完成学业又想找个同学谈恋爱

Ø         Many students are in this kind of situation. They want to smoothly graduate while enjoying the honey of dating with a boy or a girl friend. But they have to bury it in mind that roses are thorny

sand/Our university principal often buries his Head in Sand回避/驼鸟政策in dealing with many hot issues and he gets a thumb down on the campus不受欢迎

drop in at sb’s home顺便拜访/ drop sb an email就手给某人发邮件

Ø         He dropped me an email saying he disliked those distasteful倒胃口的guys and only I could read his mind(eyes)他和我心有灵犀一点通. I told him that he could not beat the system.无法对抗制度/人在屋檐下不得不低头Sometimes, he should simply get away from those noisy guys惹不起还躲不起吗

wind /Many politicians warns that Britain should better differentiate herself from Americanism by avoid going wherever the wind takes her没有主见/见利忘义/见风使舵

Ø         In our class, many students just go where the wind takes them

区别骑墙/篱笆观望政策 sit over the fence

sing /He(做雨伞的人)sings when it rings塞翁失马焉知非福

money doesn't grow on trees你以为银子满地捡啊/想要多少钱能有多少钱/针对某人要价高/狮子开大口


Ø         In the end of last month, Ken’s father felt a little stressed in finance and told his son to control his cash out-flow. But Ken repeatedly begged for more money to change for a new model mobile phone set, making his father angrily shouted at him” Money doesn't grow on trees

The End


英语私塾 授课老师
   是资深的英语教学和培训专家。1983年高考省级英语单科状元;1992年全国选拨入广东英语电台,任英语播音员;有25年的英语翻译和英语教学的经验;海外学习和工作10年;足迹深入全球5大洲;曾任中国驻非洲坦桑尼亚使馆经参处英语翻译、美国卡内基培训机构讲师、美国上市企业绿箭口香糖公司CA部公共事务经理、美国AC尼尔森市场调研公司客服/销售部副总监。曾经采访足球球王贝利;担任北京08年奥运会英语培训师(获萨马兰奇表彰);在英国伦敦参与“华人学习英语难以逾越的多重障碍解析”探讨;在美国实地考察“英语媒体语言"项目。在《体坛周报》、《高等教育》、《大学时代》、《大学生》 、《广东电视台》 、《新浪网》等媒体上发表译文或专著数十篇;是世界500强敦豪(DHL)《中国十年发展历程》(英文版)首席撰稿人。凭借充满人文关怀的精神和对英语培训事业的孜孜以求,造就了无数个提高大学生英语能力和规划大学生未来的成功案例;自2008年在广州大学城创办英语私塾以来,始终在一线面授英语课程。

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