2008-04-29 21:10:04 来源: 作者: 【 】 浏览:31323
problem-solution finding and PR Issues Preparedness and PR Crisis Handling.


12.  What contributions do you think you could/would make to Wrigley ?

With my core competence and over 20 years’ working experience in this spectrum, I can help improve and perfect the following aspects:

1)        Activities aimed at maintaining and enhancing strategic-focused, result-oriented government relations, including arrangement of interaction with the government, lobbying on specific issues.

2)      Updated government mapping materials, including relevant government bodies, as well as relevant organizations / groups / opinion leaders.  Work with the regulatory team and legal team to ensure the company’s compliance with all China’s rules, laws and regulations.    

3)        Develop and implement associate engagement strategy for building a favorable corporate culture and a sense of belonging among associates.

4)        Work as a member of the Crisis Management Team when a crisis situation occurs, in communication with government. Develop and implement programs aiming at enhancing government PR function and associate related crisis preparedness.

5)        Help fulfill other special tasks / projects as assigned by the Corporate Affairs Director.  


13.  Please define “TEAM”, “TEAMWORK”, and “TEAM PLAYER” and tell us how do you play a role in a team if you join Wrigley ?

Ø        A team is like a group of people for fulfilling a certain job with a certain aim,  designed manpower structure and discipline(every team has a teamleader);

Ø        While the teamwork means in this team, there is a clear  job distribution, description, demarcation and work assignment, which can be well elaborated in the following words to depict it: concerted effort, coordination, cooperation, collaboration, communication, helping each other,

Ø        Obviously in a team, a team member is a irreplaceable link in the team and the whole teamwork functioning, bearing an important responsibility, and  must always  learn to put his team first and learn to do what’s best for the team, and put the team’s interest, reputation and achievement in priority.

If I join a team in Wrigley, say the current CA Dept., I will bury in mind the above three concepts and abide by all these principles in undertaking my daily work and role playing, vividly speaking just like a team player in a basketball match.


14.  Please describe one occasion when you have to deal with stress and pressure?

Beijing City Government and IOC at the beginning of this year was inclined to  cancel the sponsor category of the Official Language Training Services Supplier of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, which meant Aifly’s years of preparation effort in sponsoring the BJ 2008 Olympic Games would be in vain. As the PR team leader in this project bid pitch, I suppose that occasion made me feel stressed and pressurized.


15.  Please describe your understanding of  “Ethics” and “Best Practices”?

1)        Ethics is a person’s direct sense telling him

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