郑俊斌独创面试英语技巧和秘诀 成功帮助一学员成行美国
2008-04-29 21:10:39 来源: 作者: 【 】 浏览:6264

郑俊斌老师独创面试英语技巧和秘诀 成功辅导一学员成行美国


What’s the weather in Beijing?

It’s cold and windy. 如果他说芝加哥也很冷,你可以说Take care of yourself之类的。

Why did you apply for the museum studies/ arts administration program?

With the prosperity of China’s economy, the cultures and arts, no matter traditional or western, are in great demand. Museums and galleries become more and more popular, and they emerged quickly in many cities. So nowadays, China urgently needs such people, who understand arts professionally and know how to run an art/cultural institution effectively. I hope I will be the one.

Moreover, under the globalization, the cultural exchange becomes frequent and indispensable. Westerners should know more about China’s colorful civilization; meanwhile Chinese people should accept the diversity of the worldwide culture. I’d like to be this envoy! That is why I choose to study arts administration/ museums.

Why did you choose our school?

As the top art college in America, Art institute of Chicago is undoubtedly the dream school for every student who dedicates to arts. In additional, I’ve once been to Chicago, and I was very impressed by this cosmopolitan city. Although I didn’t have the chance to visit your school, I know that it owns a big museum, which is unique from other universities. And it collected many famous Impressionistic artworks, which is my favorite art category. I am eager to see them.

芝加哥艺术学院Art Institute of Chicago)是美国顶尖的艺术教育机构之一,由博物和学校两部分组成,建校于1866年。其博物馆以收藏大量印象派作品以及美国艺术品著称,如莫奈修拉梵高爱德华·霍普等人的作品。其学院则旨在培养视觉艺术人才,曾就学的有华尔特·迪士尼、Georgia O'Keeffe等。

What is your future career goal?

In the short term, I expect to work in a public art museum in China, or work for an international non-profit art institution, like the Asia Society.  

In the long term, I plan to run a gallery on my own.

Please introduce a specific exhibition or an artwork that you are impressed.

In  2004, I interned with the national art museum of China. During this period, I participated in the organization of a French Impressionist Painting Exhibition. It was one of the most important projects in Sino-French Cultural Year, and I experienced the real life as an art manager for the first time. In this exhibit, there were over 50 impressionism oil paintings displayed, including original artworks by马奈、雷诺阿 and 莫奈. But what impressed me most were not only these remarkable paintings from the OrsayMuseum, but the service provided by the exhibition. Although those paintings amounted to 5 billion, the ticket cost only 20 rmb. Moreover, museum specially invited critics and professors to give free lectures on art history, and distributed elaborate brochures to visitors. In the past, exquisite artworks could only be appreciated by the rich in China. But in this exhibition, arts became closer to the public. Everyone could afford it. Every detail showed consideration for common people. Although the NationalArt Museum didn’t earn profit, more and more common people got the opportunity to understand and enjoy the arts. After all, arts could only be called arts after people’s appreciation. I think that is the right tenet a national public museum should hold. 在美术馆实习做过什么要熟悉一下。(描述一个印象深刻的展览,谈谈自己的实习:2004年,中法交流年期间我在中国美术馆实习,恰逢文化交流年的重点项目 印象派绘画珍品展。展览展出了53件来自法国奥赛博物馆的价值连城的印象派大师的作品,包括莫奈,马奈,雷诺阿,塞尚,毕沙罗等等。使得我们的普通民众得以如此近距离的欣赏到大师的原作。许多观众都是从很远赶来,甚至是从外省市......)

Please tell me something about your research.


From your resume, I know that you’ve been to US before. Was it an exchange program? 可能会问你以前为什么去美国之类的

No. I went there for traveling. My father is a painter. Since my childhood, he took me abroad to visit many world-famous museums and galleries, in order to foster my sensitivity and appreciation to arts. Besides US, I’ve also been to Britain, France and other European countries. But most purposes of these trips are for cultural education and museum-visits. 你参观过的博物馆要会说几个。

What else universities have you applied?


Do you have any questions?


1.     How many students do you plan to recruit? Did your program admit Chinese students before?

如果他说没有录过,你可以说,I hope I will be the first one from China( or Peking University).

2.     When will the final decision be made?

如果他说还需要一点时间,你就说take your time.

3.     The last one is a personal question. Have you been to China before?

不管他说来过没有,你都说, I am very glad to offer you help when you come to China (again), whether I am admitted or not.

如果没听懂他问什么,就说Sorry, the connection is bad. Pardon之类的

最后就说Nice to talk with you. 88


1.  Why are you interested in xxx?






First of all, I was born in a family of art, my father is a painter , and has been the associate dean of national academy of fine arts. since my childhood, my parents took me to many European countries, like ukfrance….so I have visited many world class museums, these journeys really fired my love for visual art.

  Moreover, I should say that there are still many problems of museums in our country, like fund-raising, poor management, short of collections. China urgently needs such people with high quality of arts management and know how to run an museum effectively. That’s why a choose this program and want to receive an systematic education of museum studies.


2.  Why you want to have your graduate study in us?


I ‘ve been thought about study abroad for long time. And this trip around states really left me a deep impression. There are a great deal of arts institution, non-profit organization, public and private museums, and the management system is advanced. At the same time, I know the states own the best education resources , I want to have my graduate study in us.


Exactly, it is because of my farther, the asia society invites my farther and family to the us, for some academic purpose, they talked some cooperate program.

3.  Please describe your research interest?


4.  What’s your plan in the university?


In the first year, I will focus on some basic course, like Museum studies foundation Collections management, project planning.

The second year, I wanna find some internship for instance in New york, so as to get some first-hand experience that how these organization orperate.

5.  What’s your plan after you finish your study

If possible, I would like work for some museums or art institute for a while, I believe it is useful and necessary to accumulate experience. In the long term, I will go back china, 有可能的话,在美国的一些博物馆或者艺术机构工作一段时间,积累经验,长期的话,会回到中国,引入先进理念。

6.  Did you use any English test book in classes?

7.  Will you like to study in a small but with high quality university of a big university like Harvard of Priceton


8.  Do you apply for other university of contact with other faculties in the university?


9.  How about your ability to be a teaching assistant?

10.              Who is the great person in the world in your eyes?

11.              Why pursue master?


12.              Do you have and special or excellent idea curing your research experience?

Maybe I can choose a project and discussing the difference between 。。。also, it is possible to 促成中美合作交流。

13.              Would you please introduce your recent research work?


14.              What’s the weather of Beijing?

Not very cold

15.              Where are you from?


16.               What is your favor?

17.              What are your strengths?

18.              Please introduce yourself

19.              Do you have and friends in xxx?

20.              Do you have sisters or brothers?

21.              If I five you the offer, how likely you will go?

Sure, I would love to go

22.              What will you plan to do in the future?

23.              Which course do you choose this term?


24.              What is your major now, say something about your work


25.              Do you have and experience in teaching?

26.              Do you think you are a nature leader?


27.              How do you know about our department?

28.               What do you know about our department?

29.              Is there some special faculty you are interested in?

30.              Have you ever contact with and professor?

31.              There are some differences between the education systems of us and china, what preparation have you made?

32.              Have you received any offers? Which school?


英语私塾 授课老师
   是资深的英语教学和培训专家。1983年高考省级英语单科状元;1992年全国选拨入广东英语电台,任英语播音员;有25年的英语翻译和英语教学的经验;海外学习和工作10年;足迹深入全球5大洲;曾任中国驻非洲坦桑尼亚使馆经参处英语翻译、美国卡内基培训机构讲师、美国上市企业绿箭口香糖公司CA部公共事务经理、美国AC尼尔森市场调研公司客服/销售部副总监。曾经采访足球球王贝利;担任北京08年奥运会英语培训师(获萨马兰奇表彰);在英国伦敦参与“华人学习英语难以逾越的多重障碍解析”探讨;在美国实地考察“英语媒体语言"项目。在《体坛周报》、《高等教育》、《大学时代》、《大学生》 、《广东电视台》 、《新浪网》等媒体上发表译文或专著数十篇;是世界500强敦豪(DHL)《中国十年发展历程》(英文版)首席撰稿人。凭借充满人文关怀的精神和对英语培训事业的孜孜以求,造就了无数个提高大学生英语能力和规划大学生未来的成功案例;自2008年在广州大学城创办英语私塾以来,始终在一线面授英语课程。

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