郑俊斌独创妙方 撰写PS的成功案例之一
2008-04-29 21:06:30 来源: 作者: 【 】 浏览:5123




Personal Statement(未培训之前,学员自己写的)

In March this year, I visited the AsiaSocietyMuseum in New York, where I saw a Chinese Buddhist statue of the Northern Qi Dynasty (550-557). Impressed by its exquisite carving techniques and vivid manner, I was proud of the splendid civilization of my own country. I was even more struck when being told that the piece, among the world-class collection of Chinese art treasures at the Asia Society, was donated by the Rockefeller Family to serve the intellectual needs of the public. This reminded me of the BeijingArt Museum, located in a former imperial temple and not far from my home. Despite its history of 500 years and abundant cultural relics, the museum is not frequently visited due to its poor management, especially in fund-raising and public service. Obviously there is a gap between museum administration and arts management in the US and China and I became more determined than ever to explore into this exciting field by starting graduate study in the United States.

Grown up in the Hangzhou-based China Academy of Arts, where my parents taught for many years before moving to Beijing for positions in arts and cultural administration, I spent my childhood influenced by the charm of arts. At six, I started to learn piano and practiced for eight years. This learning process had turned me into a person with strong will and sensitivity to arts. When I was twelve, I went to International City of Arts (Cite Internationale des Arts) in Paris with my parents and visited many world-class art museums in Europe. That journey brought me to the splendor of Western arts, and further fired my love for visual arts.

My interest in the arts deepened after being admitted by the School of the Arts, PekingUniversity. The four-year academic training has covered art theory, art history, aesthetics and marketing, etc. Besides, I also participated widely in extra-curriculum activities. As the vice president of the university’s Modern Art Society, I faced various administrative matters, such as developing creative strategies and raising fund. The more I handle these things, the clearer my career goal becomes – that is, to be an outstanding arts manager. Since then, my focus is always on the graduate program in museum studies and arts administration, preferably in the West where this field is more developed.

I experienced the real life as a museum manager when I interned at the National Art Museum of China in 2004 during the organization of the French Impressionist Painting Exhibition. I was responsible for a program that guided student visitors to enjoy and appreciate the exhibit. I also participated in designing questionnaires concerning visitors’ satisfaction with our service. The exhibition was a huge success, fully demonstrating the enormous cultural demand in China as well as the significance of good planning and management.

       This working experience was my first step into the kingdom of museum administration, leaving me marveled at the vastness of its territory. How to run a museum? How can a non-profit arts institution finance itself? How should a museum preserve and enrich its collections so as to better serve the general public? I believe that your graduate program in museum studies will provide me with all the expertise and skills I need to answer these questions.

I am also eager to acquire the management-related skills -- including collections management, project planning. During my graduate study, I will seek for internship opportunities in non-profit arts institution, for instance museums in New York, so as to get a first-hand experience about how these organizations operate.

When I visited New York, I was much impressed by this cosmopolitan city, and I was immersed in the cultural atmosphere of many of her public and private museums. Moreover, the beautiful campus of SyracuseUniversity, the diversified curriculums of college of visual and performing arts and its sound academic environment kindled my desire to study there. After the two-year graduate education, I am positive I can serve the museum in China; let more people know the glory of art treasures of my own country; and be an envoy of cultural exchanges between China and America, between China and the rest of the world.


Successful PS evidence for PS writing training  

To  :     Melanie Williams, Director of Financial Aid                     CC:

From:    Yimeng Feng        

Date :    1 May, 2006.

Re  :     The Arthur Zankel Urban Fellowship Proposal                  

Ref  :    20060501A

Total Pages (inclg this one): 2

The Arthur Zankel Urban Fellowship Proposal

Dear Melanie,

I sober-mindedly acknowledge that the Zankel Urban Fellowship is extremely difficult to apply for, which only grants those awesomely outstanding genius. I am well aware of the founder of the fellows program--Mr. Zankel, who were closed related with Israel and Jewish people, who suffered greatly more than half century ago. I have been brought up in the environment--ShanghaiCity, which is also a big city with a population of 13 million where many Jewish people were living. My heart has been beating with the poor Jewish people. To return my gratitude to the founder of the fellowship, I plan to work 2 hours a day, 10 hours a week with the same amount of $10,000 per academic year if I am fortunate enough to win this fellowship.

I personally experienced how good education, positive coaching and correct guiding are badly needed by youngsters in downtown area of New York when I toured there last time, as these inner-city juveniles are being haunted by illiteracy, dropout, luring of drugs and being left out without taking care of as I have been fostered in the environment where I have been given good opportunities in receiving decent education since I was a child as I attended the best high school--an attached High School of the Renmin University of China, and later on continued my college life in Peking University, both of which are the one of the best in my motherland. I have experienced what education is and what power good education can bring about.

I enthusiastically feel that what ability and skills I have mastered can well fit into serving disadvantaged inner-city youth such as the Reading and Math Buddies, the Heritage School, and the Student Press Initiative as I have immersed in the environment, where my parents taught for many years in arts, and helped me formally learn to play piano at the age of six and practiced for eight years. I have been told that there are so many Chinese youngster who want to practice English as well as Chinese, which are both where my strength is. My biggest function can work as a bridge. I am sure I can bring happiness to them, making friends with them, becoming a communicator with them and ultimately a soul mate with them.

Sincerely, Yimeng Feng

                                  (  Signature   )


英语私塾 授课老师
   是资深的英语教学和培训专家。1983年高考省级英语单科状元;1992年全国选拨入广东英语电台,任英语播音员;有25年的英语翻译和英语教学的经验;海外学习和工作10年;足迹深入全球5大洲;曾任中国驻非洲坦桑尼亚使馆经参处英语翻译、美国卡内基培训机构讲师、美国上市企业绿箭口香糖公司CA部公共事务经理、美国AC尼尔森市场调研公司客服/销售部副总监。曾经采访足球球王贝利;担任北京08年奥运会英语培训师(获萨马兰奇表彰);在英国伦敦参与“华人学习英语难以逾越的多重障碍解析”探讨;在美国实地考察“英语媒体语言"项目。在《体坛周报》、《高等教育》、《大学时代》、《大学生》 、《广东电视台》 、《新浪网》等媒体上发表译文或专著数十篇;是世界500强敦豪(DHL)《中国十年发展历程》(英文版)首席撰稿人。凭借充满人文关怀的精神和对英语培训事业的孜孜以求,造就了无数个提高大学生英语能力和规划大学生未来的成功案例;自2008年在广州大学城创办英语私塾以来,始终在一线面授英语课程。

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