2008-05-15 15:14:02 来源: 作者: 【 】 浏览:5546



P.O.Box A-52, PekingUniversity, Beijing 100871, China




9.2003-Present          School of Arts, PekingUniversity                                              

Candidate for B.A in July 2007

Major in Film & TV Directing and Editing       Major GPA: 3.5 / 4.0

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE                                                    

10.2005-3.2006    Han Art Institute, PekingUniversity                          

n            Research Assistant to Prof. Qingsheng Zhu in program

‘Chinese Modern Art Achieve’

n            Collect information and data to compile the yearbook

11.2004-12.2005   School of Arts, PekingUniversity                            

n            Assistant to Prof. Yu Chen in composing scenarios.

Selected works:

n            ‘Echo’, a biography of a famous Chinese female litterateur Ms. Huiyin Lin.

n            ‘Mozart & Hops’, which is shooting in Germany now.

9.2004-10.2004    National Art Museum of P.R.China                          

n            Intern in the organization of exhibition French Impressionistic Painting during Sino-French Cultural Year.

n            Participated in the early preparation and promotion of the exhibit.

n            Facilitated in designing questionnaires for visitors’ feedback.

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY                                                

9.2005-9.2006   Modern Art Society of PekingUniversity        

n            Vice President

n            Led a volunteer team in Dashanzi International Art Festival 2006; Conducted reception and interpreted artworks for visitors.

n            Developed an internal financial assessment system to monitor the financing of the organization.  

9.2004-9.2005     Film Association of PekingUniversity  

n            Minister in PR/Marketing Department

n            Initiated premiere of the movie Letter from an Unknown Woman, the winner of the 52nd San Sebastion Film Festival Best Director Award.

n            Raised fund of 8000 RMB for the association’s newsletter, which was released with 3000 volumes distributed.

9.2004-3.2005                 TV Station of PekingUniversity    

n            Logistics Officer in producing Promo of Peking University. Responsible for the stage set and the coordination between performers and directors.

n            Masterminded and shot the program “The New Generation of Chinese Film” about undergraduates’ self-produced DV, which received warm appraisal among the young.


Love traveling.




适合岗位: 政府公关事务 / 媒介和品牌整合

自我总结: 熟悉中国政府媒介运作;能以品牌为中心、以消费者为关注点、具备随市场变化而跟进的思维模式;沟通与团队精神很强;能坦然面对压力并适应新环境;英文与中文书写和表达能力好.


1) (08/2002-08/2003) XXX士大学                                                        

专业: 高级媒介研究

2) (08/1999-08/2000) 硕士学位                                                

专业: 政府公关与传播营销

3) (08/1983-07/1986) 师范大学                                                                

专业: 英语


(05/1997-06/1997) 地点--美国,传播学课程--媒介资源管理                                              

(12/2003-03/2004) 地点--香港,美国管理培训课程----政府公关与营销,人际沟通的技巧学,  陈述感染力与说服力专业培训                                          


(02/2007-now)    培训服务供应商                          

职位 :首席品牌营运官 (CBO / Chief Branding Officer)                                  

职责 A 官方事务处理----参加公司各项商务活动 / 危机处理:


Ø  2007627,  

Ø  刚加入

职责 策划和管理重大事件的媒介报道


Ø  2007619 北京奥组委在京宣布,成为北京2008年奥运会语言培训服务供应



(05/1991—01/2007) XX广播电视集团                          

职位 :传播营销经理 (Communication Marketing Manager)                                  

职责 A媒介资源管理----协助管理媒介俱乐部: 成员包括新浪,搜狐等门户网站,主流报纸,各级电视台相关媒体人

       常规操作: 维系密切联系,通报广告客户购买变化和趋势,积极主动参加该俱乐部的各项商务活动


Ø             2001,在媒介朋友帮助下,及嘉宾甄选确认.    

Ø     2002-2005年间,在媒介朋友的鼎力支持下,策划了一系列的主题商务功能会,包括商务论坛和商务研讨会,

    标针对广州的跨国公司,议题有:宏观形势分析,外劳在中国的工作状况,环保,外汇和税率政策,东南亚危机反思等等,这些商业味不浓的活动很受欢迎, 也为本单位及我们的媒介圈树立了良好形象,各媒介与各跨国公司互换资源,各方双赢甚至多赢.


职责 B传播营销管理 主要客户:

1)          对外传播营销: 与主要客户保持不间断联络,向他们通报媒介传播结果和效力/效能,出现

                      任何问题,马上分析,讨论甚至召开各方参加的正式会议寻求解决方案. 除了常规合作,还解决了他们不少的营销方面的难题.





19947月前后,境外有不少传媒报道中国南方珠江三角洲一带外商投资和生活环境的负面和消极因素,广东省和广州市宣传部门想做些形象改观。4(美国国庆日),经不断论证,我协助广州公司联络 也是一个多方共赢的很好案例。.












19962000年之间,集团每年举行广告客户答谢年会, 我几乎每次都是这种大型活动的具体承办人。


规模        : 1000

地点        每年在广州市的几家五星级酒店轮流举办


19964月某日,。。。区的工作带来不利的评价和影响. 我经过调动公关人脉资源和经多方斡旋,该啤酒终于铺货到位.对我的客户而言此乃一次及时雨.

2)  内部(专业)传播营销培训:  


. 作为重中之中,优先考虑内部(专业)服务传播营销培训(从企业最高端管理层到一线员工无一例外)  强力倡导和推动以下这个逆向的内部(专业)服务传播营销培训与企业利润的辩证关系的管理思维模式:







Suitable Positions : PR / Government Affairs / Media    

Self Summary  :  Knowing PR, government and media operations very well; brand-oriented, corporate image-focused and market-driven thinking; strong in communication & team work; adaptable to new environment under pressure; Good English and Mandarin



1) (08/2002-08/2003)  European Business School, University of the UK                                  

Major: Advanced Media Research and Brand Studies

2) (08/1999-08/2000)  Master of Business Administration, the USA                    

Major: MBA--General Business Management / Communication Marketing

3) (08/1983-07/1986)  English Dept, Normal University, PR China                                      

Major: English Language Studies

Corporate Training                                                        

1) (05/1997-06/1997) Communication Program, USA / Media Resources Management/ Government Lobbying      

2) (12/2003-03/2004)  Training, Hong Kong / Government Marketing, People

Skills, Ability Training in Presentation and Convincing                                  



(02/2007-now)  Beijing Company      

Position      : CBO(Chief Branding Officer)                                

Responsibility : A Managing Government Affairs--Invite government officials or NGO leaders for company functions and Managing Crisis Preparedness and Crisis Handling:  


Ø           On 27th of June 2007,    to Aifly company to show their support for Aifly’s work in coordination with the Olympic Games language training


Ø           After newly joining handled with the most crucial crisis in Aifly as at that time was inclined to


Responsibility: B Managing Media Resources and Managing Media Coverage of major events—

The Media Club I have been helping manage: and other mainstay websites, newspapers, central and local TV stations

Daily base media managing highlighted: Maintaining a close contact with the media circle by normal communication means, plus some management software e.g. agenda and birthday reminding systems. etc.; join in all kinds of media club’s functions.


Ø           On 19th of June 2007, organizing and managing the intensified the national was selected as the Official Language Training Services Supplier of the Olympic Games. (You may see the reporting highlights to be attached)

Company Name                                                            

(05/1991—01/2007)  Radio & TV Corporation Group                                            

Position         : Business Development Manager                                

Responsibility    : A Internal (in-house) Communication Marketing Training Management:


Ø         Having been drumming into the anti-clockwise Management Training Thinking:

Company profits and growth----superior product performance, which results from…

Satisfied and loyal shareholders, cooperators, contractors and clients----if they are satisfied, they will remain loyal, repeat purchase, and refer other clients, which results from…

Greater company and product value----more effective and efficient product and company value creation and service delivery, which results from…

Satisfied and productive company employees----more satisfied, loyal and hard working employees, which results from…

    Internal performance quality----superior employees’ selection and training, a quality work environment and strong support for frontiers and those supporting frontiers (including this department’s PR / Media / Government Affairs staff) dealing with the external people.

Ø         Having been drumming into the Internal Management Training Model:

Responsibility: B External Communication Marketing Management (PR / Government / Media)  


Government Marketing Case

    In 1996, when we were approaching the Spring Festival, there was a big earthquake in Lijiang Area, Yunnan.

Concrete approaching and the person contacted first: Talking to the Head in charge of Natural Disaster Relieving Dept under the Health Dept of GD Government and the Head of the Red-Cross, GD

My role:  Master-minding and Operations including planning the theme of the event, speeches, news scripts, venue selecting, billboard setting, afterward news clipping and event reviewing, reconfirming the participation of the distinguished guests name list being invited.

Scale:     About 800--1000 participated in the donation ceremony(including staff of Pepsi)

Location: The Haizhu Square of GZ City

Government Marketing Case

When gaining the support from the GZ Municipal , I planned a reporting scheme, when it was on the 4th of July, the USA National Day 1994, I assisted McDonald's in

Concrete approaching and the person contacted first: The Section Chief in charge of External Propaganda & Communications under the Propaganda Dept of GZ City

My role:  Organizing the whole operations including planning the theme of the event, speeches, news scripts, venue selecting, billboard setting, afterward news clipping and event reviewing.

Scale:     About 600--800 participants

Location: The Gold Lake Garden in the outskirt of the city

Government Marketing Case

In 1993, I was temporarily lent to No1. Hospital, Li Wan District of Guangzhou to work as a medical English-Chinese translator( I was then an English reporter on health & medical issues, familiar with medical English terminology. Born in a medical family, .

Concrete approaching and the person contacted first: The No1. Hospital Dean was first contacted by chance during a routine reporting there. My role: Linguistic Translator, Cultural Bridge and Communicative Problem Shooter, clearing a lot misunderstanding.


Environment-related Government and Media Resources Gathering Case

   In Nov, 1996, I participated in the Environmental Protection Workshop with the themeThe Radio &TV Program Producing Seminar on Health and Environmentco-sponsored by (German National Radio & TV Station), the International Affairs Dept under the State Radio & TV Bureau, the Propaganda Dept under the State Environmental Protection Administration, the GD Environment Protection Bureau (that program was normally supposed to be held in BJ, which was proactively won over to GD by the provincial government), Through this one-month program,

Through what channel to get this opportunity: In 1996, I undertook many English &Chinese translation projects and

My role:  Coordinating the whole Workshop operations including on-the-spot translation in class, after class coaching in English and help classmates complete all homework, Workshop Certificate Designing and Producing, and organizing exams and participants’ final project presentations.

Scale:     About 50 participants from all over China

Location:  Guangzhou


Government Marketing Case

  The cooperation between Nanfang Group and the .

Concrete approaching and the person contacted first: I found

My role: I was the assistant to the director of the newly established English Service Channel, responsible for English anchor recruiting, training and management.

A Case on Crisis Handling via Authentic Association Mediation

       This case was related to Consumer Complaint Committee of Guangdong in 1993 when

Concrete approaching and the person contacted first: I first investigated into the truth of the complaint, talking to the .

My role: I was in charge of foreign brands, products and company advertising in the English Service Channel, with my personal responsibility of taking care of DHL, one of the most important ads buyers.

Case on Internal Activity Organizing Ability (during 1996—2000,almost every year)

Hosted the annual Ads Clients Entertaining Meeting (also called New Year Welcoming Dinner Party), ads appraisal in up-leveling ads quality standard,

My role:  Master-minding, hosting and Operations Managing including preparing speeches, news scripts(for the next day's news release), brochure and souvenirs, venue selecting, billboard setting, performance rehearsals, hotel F&B VIK(budgeting and negotiation), reconfirming the real participation of the distinguished guests name list being invited.

Scale:     1000 people each time

Location: Held in GZ's 4 Five Star hotels by turns

Case on Internal Activity Organizing Ability (during 1996—2000,almost every year)

  In April of 1996,  

 The End



英语私塾 授课老师
   是资深的英语教学和培训专家。1983年高考省级英语单科状元;1992年全国选拨入广东英语电台,任英语播音员;有25年的英语翻译和英语教学的经验;海外学习和工作10年;足迹深入全球5大洲;曾任中国驻非洲坦桑尼亚使馆经参处英语翻译、美国卡内基培训机构讲师、美国上市企业绿箭口香糖公司CA部公共事务经理、美国AC尼尔森市场调研公司客服/销售部副总监。曾经采访足球球王贝利;担任北京08年奥运会英语培训师(获萨马兰奇表彰);在英国伦敦参与“华人学习英语难以逾越的多重障碍解析”探讨;在美国实地考察“英语媒体语言"项目。在《体坛周报》、《高等教育》、《大学时代》、《大学生》 、《广东电视台》 、《新浪网》等媒体上发表译文或专著数十篇;是世界500强敦豪(DHL)《中国十年发展历程》(英文版)首席撰稿人。凭借充满人文关怀的精神和对英语培训事业的孜孜以求,造就了无数个提高大学生英语能力和规划大学生未来的成功案例;自2008年在广州大学城创办英语私塾以来,始终在一线面授英语课程。



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